Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday fluff

Well, this morning's FBG wasn't good. It was 194! Umm, must have been the cracked pepper and olive oil triscuits with cheese last night. Ugh, figures. Perhaps I just ate too many, though, and only eating one or two will work. I'll try that.

My sister is on her way here from Dallas! Wooot! We had such a good time on the trip and we miss each other so she's coming for the weekend. I'm so excited! I don't have to work until Monday so we'll get to spend plenty of time together.

She'll go to the gym with us and I think tomorrow we're all going to Jefferson and will do a little sightseeing and visit the museum. We might even take a tour of The Grove, purported to be one of the most haunted houses in America. I'm not into haints, normally, but it might be an interesting way to spend a little time.

Anyway, time to make lunch. Have a great weekend!

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