Friday, July 3, 2009

Cottage Cheese & Egg Breakfast Muffins

Cottage cheese & egg breakfast muffins experiment with the muffins didn't go so well. They taste fine but they're a little bland and don't present nearly a pretty a picture as Kalyn's do. I had one for breakfast this morning along with three slices of fresh tomato and I'll take one to work today for my snack. The man hasn't tried them yet...

Blood glucose before the muffin and tomatoes was 86. Blood glucose after breakfast was 109! Okay, maybe I need to re-think these little gems. If I can eat one now and then without a spike, I'm game!

I made a few changes to the original recipe, using Better N' Eggs, omitting the green onion, and using a little less cheese and soy flour rather than almond meal. The differences all combined to make a muffin that was okay by and large but not something I'd make again. However, I do think the original recipe is probably very tasty so I'll make them again a little closer to her recipe. I'll probably use more cheese, almond meal, and perhaps throw in some Spike for that extra zing it adds.

If you're looking for good ideas for breakfast try Kalyn's Cottage Cheese and Egg Breakfast Muffins but use the original recipe first and see what you think.

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