Thursday, January 15, 2009

End of the week...

I got my taxes done tonight. How is that for not procrastinating? I get a refund...a whopping $67! I'll take it.

I have a meeting at work tonight at 9:30. It shouldn't last more than thirty minutes or so, probably. And I'm off tomorrow. Yaaaay! But I plan to do laundry in the morning and run a few errands. Being off means I don't have to pack a lunch but I'll probably prepare some things for the weekend since I work Saturday and Sunday.

The edamame I took to work today was great and my co-workers who tried it liked it, too. Two of them told me they didn't like black olives or beans but they ate some of both and liked them. One of them said to me, "You're making me like stuff I don't like!". I thought that was amusing.

I'm working on a list of easy to tote low carb foods for lunches. So far, its a nice list but if you have suggestions please let me know. I can always use more ideas.


Laurie and Bill said...

Congrats on getting your taxes done. I don't even have all my forms yet!

I'm hoping to get them soon as we always have the dreaded FASFA, financial aid form for college, to fill out! Which I'm not even sure why we bother, because we never get any financial aid!

You are a good influence on your co-workers!

CookinsForMe said...

Laurie, I remember well doing the FAFSA stuff. You have my sympathy!!

Unknown said...

Edamame in the shell? You can get those there?

Unknown said...

Forgive! I had not seen the previous post with a picture.

CookinsForMe said...

I got them frozen, in the pod in a bag that you steam. I steamed the entire bag and after shelling, ended up with a little less than 1/3 cup of the stuff but man, it was great!

Unknown said...

You should be able to find them already shelled. Also, I like them dried, soak them cook them until just tender and eat them like that. Alittle different flavor, I will add some to the box.

CookinsForMe said...

I haven't seen them shelled yet. They might be available and I'll look. I haven't seen them dried, either, but again they might be available and I haven't seen them. I doubt it, though.

What's funny is soybeans are grown in our area but neither Rod nor I have ever seen them at the farmer's market nor in any produce section of a store and the bag I found the other day was the first bag of frozen ones I've found. Weird, huh?