Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Garden pickins are comin' in! And what's for dinner

I had my first ripe Sweet 100 cherry of the season this morning. It was so warm and sweet and delicious! More are ripening so soon we'll have plenty of tomatoes for our salads.

My other half picked a small cucumber and a small zucchini for me this morning and I'll have them tomorrow for lunch. Every day now we get a few green beans. Today we got enough to put a meal's worth in the freezer. We don't bother to blanch them because they won't be in there long at all!

Yep, it's all starting to come in. Before long I might be too busy canning and freezing to post here. ;) Naw, that won't happen!

Tonight's dinner was a beef roast with carrots and mashed potatoes. It was a very good roast because I used the Cook's Choice Brisket Seasoning on it. Yummy and there's just enough left for my lunch tomorrow.

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