Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I got bento boxes & other goodies from Japan!

My friend Tracey, who lives in Japan, sent me a box of goodies and wow, was I surprised when I opened it! First, how she got all that stuff into a small box is beyond me (Tracey, were you a mover/packer in a previous life?) and second, I'm thrilled she sent so much! She really outdid herself and what she sent will be so helpful to me in my efforts to take healthy, low carb meals to work.

Japan, bento box, bag, kawaii
Here's a two tier bento box and insulated bag

bento box, chopsticks
And here's the top of the bento box, opened to show the chopsticks nestled in their rightful place. Do I know how to use chopsticks? Nope, but I'm going to learn.

Here's a small one tier box. I think this is a sidecar. Tracey?

This is a red bento box, a belt to put around it, a cloth to wrap it in, a napkin (I think) and chopsticks. Red is one of my favorite colors and this is just great!

bento set
All wrapped up and ready to go

Here we have animal and fishie sauce bottles and kitchen sponges with faces!

My friend also sent candy, seasoning type items to be added to rice, and a few more goodies but the pictures of those things didn't turn out well. I'll try again tomorrow. In the meantime, I have some wonderful new things to play with.

Arigato gozaimasu, tomodachi!


Green Tea & Kimchee said...

I hope you enjoy them. The one box is not a sidecar but a bento box. Yo can use it however you wish, though! I'd like to see pics once you have food in them.

Oh, and the one wrap can be used in place of saran wrap or baggies.

Gifts from Japan made in China!!!!

CookinsForMe said...

Ahh, so the small box is a bento box, too! It's just right for dip and veggies. :) Well, some of it is made in Japan, apparently. Regardless, I love it all. :)

Jolie said...

I LOVE my bento boxes. I replied to your post at DD, but wanted to post a couple of links for you to look at here. Have fun!


http://www.blogadilla.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/bento-porn.jpg (just pictures of bento boxes even though the name of the file is a little risque)
